Steven James

189 N.Water Street Rochester NY 14604
At Steven James, we are a rare collection of talented, Rochester-based individuals, dedicated to creating quality video, photography, voice-over, post-production and media services. We are seasoned professionals who have honed our crafts in many areas: feature-film production and distribution, private and public education, professional theatre, small business management, independent and corporate cinematography on a global scale, and integrated marketing. We are experienced leaders in a variety of markets with the contacts, insights and expertise you need to succeed. Contact us today at 585-730-4762.
Advertising Agencies, Video Production
Video Production, Commercial Photography, Advertising Consultant, Marketing Consultant
Buffalo, NY, Rochester, NY, Syracuse, NY
Video Production Rochester NY, Advertising Agency Rochester NY, Marketing Agency Rochester NY, Video Services Rochester NY, Commercial Video Services, Commercial Photography, Small Business Video Production, Small Business Video Marketing, Small Business Photography Work