City Suburban Auto Service

5674 N Northwest Highway Chicago IL 60646
City Suburban Auto Service has been proudly providing auto repair services for the Chicago Illinois and surrounding areas since 1974. We are a full service auto repair shop; whether your vehicle needs a transmission repair or new tires, come in as our customer and leave as a friend. Call or stop in today!

Auto Repair
Tires Brakes Transmissions
Auto Repair Transmissions Tires Tire Repair
Chicago IL
Auto Repair Shop, Auto Repair Near Me, Auto Repair, Car Repair, Transmissions, Transmission Repair, Engine Repair, Tires, Tire Repair, Winter Tires, Alignment, Oil Change, Heating and Air Conditioning, Cooling Systems, Brakes, Brake Repair, Traction Control, Window repair, Restraint Systems, Exhaust, Starting Systems, Charging Systems, Towing