General Machine Works Inc

3229 Orin Way Bakersfield CA 93308
Since 1938 General Machine Works has been providing custom machined parts for industrial and commercial customers throughout Southern California. We have a long history of quality and reliability which is why we are the choice of so many businesses. Whether you are looing for a new part for a custom machine or replacement parts for industrial equipment, our experienced staff can create the right part at the right price. Unlike many machine shops, we specialize in large and heavy parts and we are able to machine parts of any sizes. We work with large industrial operations such as oil refineries, cement factories, paper mills and more. Customers know that when they work with us they will receive exactly what they need.

Industrial Equipment and Supplies
quality oil parts, quality cement parts, quality power parts, quality agricultural parts, vast machining capabilities and custom fabrication, VTL turning of 100' diameter, engine lathe with 60" over bed, 48" ways, and 20' long internal spline, industrial equipment, machine shop
machine shop, custom fabrications, industrial equipment, industrial parts, industrial supplies, machine repair, machine supplies, industrial equipment repairs
Bakersfield, CA
Machine shop Custom Parts custom fabrication custom parts fabrication industrial parts industrial parts repair industrial equipment industrial supplies machine shops machine shop custom machining parts machining part manufacturing custom parts manufacturing make parts custom parts custom machine parts industrial machine parts industrial machine CNC parts machine shop custom parts custom equipment parts oil refineries cement factories paper mills